Irish Construction Industry Partners Working For A Safer Workplace

Construction Safety Representative Award 2014

Award Thumb
Consultation between Management and Employees is a vital component of an organisation’s management of health and safety.

The CSPAC recognize the importance of the role of the Construction Safety Representative and is proud to sponsor an award (€500 plus a Certificate of Recognition) for the Construction Safety Representative who has made an outstanding contribution to improving safety and health on construction sites in the last year.


Nominations for the award will be accepted from employers, colleagues or indeed self nomination.

Entry Criteria:

The nominated individual must be an acting Safety Representative or have acted in such a role in the last 12 months.

Criteria of Award:

The award will be made to the Construction Safety Representative who has made an outstanding contribution to improving safety / health on construction sites.

The proposer should outline the reason for nomination – e.g. specific initiatives undertaken, raising safety awareness, particular interventions, encouraging involvement of workers etc.

How to enter

To nominate a Safety Representative please complete the nomination form.

This should be signed by the proposer and returned to:

Construction Safety Partnership Advisory Committee – Safety Representative Award

Construction House,

Canal Road,

Dublin 6

The competition will be judged by the Core Management Group of the CSPAC.



A good place to start is with the Frequently Asked Questions. Click here to go to the FAQs. If this doesn't answer all of your questions then please find the contact page in the About section in order to contact us.

Contact CSPAC

Construction Safety Partnership Advisory Committee
Construction House,
Canal Road,
Dublin 6.


This website contains information on many aspects of health and safety in the workplace. No information contained within this website should be taken as constituting legal advice.
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